Category Archives: Yoga Asanas

Why Yoga Teachers Should Learn Bodywork Basics

Part of being a yoga teacher is inspiring and informing your students about how best to deepen their asana practice. Often, this involves placing your hands on a person to gently ease or encourage their body into a pose. Sometimes hands-on adjustments correct alignment, or invite more depth. Other times the touch is simply to […]

Inner-Body Awareness Technique

This is one of my favorite awareness techniques!  The Inner-Body Awareness Technique is an ancient Shiva method and has been used for very long time. But this method is as well one of the main techniques that Eckhart Tolle gives you to return to the present moment. The Inner-Body Awareness Method helps you to become […]

Easy 5 Minute Qigong Routine for More Focus and Energy

5 minute QiGong Practice

Qigong or “life-force cultivation” is a form of Taoist yoga, with roots in ancient China. Along with supporting general health and wellbeing, qigong practice is the internal foundation of all of the martial arts. Qigong can be described as a mind-body-spirit practice that improves one’s mental and physical health by integrating posture, movement, breathing technique, […]

12 Great Free Yoga Channels on YouTube

Best Free Yoga Channels on YouTube You don’t need a studio or a scheduled time to fit in your yoga practice. Whenever you aren’t able to get to a public yoga class, you can turn to YouTube for a wide variety of free yoga videos that vary in teaching style, discipline, focus, etc. You Tube […]

How to do the Sarvangasana – Shoulderstand?

Mistakes in alignment shoulderstand

Sarvangasana – Shoulderstand Shoulder stand is a really powerful pose. It is the queen of the asanas. It’s full of benefits and tends to be more accessible than other inversions. How to get into the shoulderstand pose? Lie on your mat, with your head towards the ceiling. Check that the head and spine are aligned […]

5 yoga poses for beginners

Yoga for beginners Do you want to start with yoga? Good for you! When you practicing yoga you will  feel fitter, be more energetic, be happier and you will be more peaceful. Yoga helps you become more aware of your body’s posture, alignment and patterns of movement. Yoga makes your body more flexible and helps […]

5 Yoga Asanas for a Flat Stomach

We have selected 5 great yoga asanas for a flat stomach:  1: Padahastasana – Standing Forward Bend The abdomen gets completely compressed while bending forward that leads to burning of fat. The compression helps in toning down the tummy. How to do the Padahastasana: Stand in Tadasana with your hands on either side of the […]

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