Poema He usado este bonito poema con la nombre ‘No te rindas’ en mi clase de yoga. Es del uruguayo Mario Benedetti. Benedetti hace una llamada a mantener la ilusión pese a todo y avivar la llama de los sueños en este ‘No te rindas’: No te rindas, aún estás a tiempo De alcanzar y comenzar […]
Archivos del Autor: Ilse-Marie
The beautiful Mul Mantra This mantra is really one of our favorite mantras! My whole family including all students and retreat visitors seem love this happy and uplifting mantra! This mantra just gives you such an intense and happy feeling. MUL MANTRA This mantra gives an experience of the depth and consciousness of your soul. […]
El ser no sólo es trascendente; también impregna profundamente cada forma, y su esencia es invisible e indestructible. Esto significa que ahora mismo puedes acceder al Ser porque es tu identidad más profunda, tu verdadera naturaleza. Pero no trates de…
Buddhist Monk shares his Secrets of Meditation A lot of people think you have to sit still to meditate.. but the truth is you can meditate anytime and everywhere! Just watch this short video. It is just that simple!
Five ways to include Yoga Philosophy in your life For me personally I really like use the yoga philosophy of Swami Vishnudevananda as a guideline on a healthy life. He has clearly defined the five points of yoga. His purpose was to make the Hatha Yoga philosophy simple and understandable for western students who didn’t […]
Ardha Matsyendrasansanana Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Method alignment: Sit with both legs straight in Dandasana (Staff Pose). Adjust your legs so that you can sit evenly on your sitting bones. If your back is rounding, sit on a folded blanket. Cross your right foot over your left thigh and place it on the […]
*Viva La Vida* Smoothie Painting Ingredients: -Kiwi -Raspberries -Blueberries – Hennep seed – Pumpkin seed – Sun seed flower – Vigs
🍓*Viva La Vida* 🍓🍇Smoothie Colour bom🍇 Ingredients: *Soya milk *Raspberries *Blackberries *Strawberries *Coconut cream *Hennep seed *Chocolate nips Bewaren
*Vi Va La Vida* BananaShakeee 🍌🍌 This shake is so good!! Perfect for a beautiful morning. It is really easy to make. Just add the followng ingredients together! Ingredients: *Alpro Milk *Banana *Cocos *Cinnamon Powder *Biologic Energy Nut Mix Bewaren Bewaren Bewaren Bewaren Bewaren Bewaren
Sarvangasana – Shoulderstand Shoulder stand is a really powerful pose. It is the queen of the asanas. It’s full of benefits and tends to be more accessible than other inversions. How to get into the shoulderstand pose? Lie on your mat, with your head towards the ceiling. Check that the head and spine are aligned […]