Categorie archieven: Pranayama’s – ademhalingsoefeningen

2 Minutes – Heart Energy Breath – Qigong Breathing Technique for Positive Energy

2 Minutes – Heart Energy Breath – Qigong Breathing Technique for Positive Energy This short  exercise helps you to activate positive heart energy. It opens your heart and fills you with a really nice feeling!   

Boost je immuunsysteem met de Kapalabhati

Boost je immuunsysteem met de Kapalabhati! Pranayama: de Kapalabhati: Een ademhalingsoefening voor meer energie en een rustig hoofd.   Kapalabhati is een ademhalingstechniek (pranayama) dat net als de andere pranayamas als doel heeft om je lichaam en vooral je longen schoon te maken. Kapalabhati verhoogt de weerstand van de luchtwegen. Het wordt ook vaak de […]

UJJAYI ademhaling: eerste hulp tegen stress & zenuwen

4-4 Breath Kundalini

Binnenkort een belangrijke PRESENTATIE, EXAMEN of een SOLLICITATIE gesprek? 👉UJJAYI ADEMHALING HELPT DIRECT TEGEN DE ZENUWEN: Probeer vlak van te voren deze ademhalingstechniek: De UJJAYI ademhaling wordt ook wel de succesademhaling “victorious breath” genoemd. De Ujjayi ademhaling helpt tegen spanning, helpt je om je beter te kunnen concentreren en geeft direct een gevoel van rust […]

Moon Breath – Simple Breathing Technique for instant Relaxation & Focus

Lunar Breath

Lunar Breath – Single Nostril Breath The Lunar Breath, or Chandra Bhedana (Moon-Piercing Breath), is  a simple calming breathing practice. Very effective against feelings of stress. You can do this lunar breath for a few minutes and you will instantly feel the soothing effect of this simple breathing exercise. It is as well a great […]


“BREATH IS LIFE” LIFE IS ABSOLUTELY DEPENDENT UPON THE ACT OF BREATHING. TO BREATHE IS TO LIVE, AND WITHOUT BREATH THERE IS NO LIFE. There is nothing that I have experienced that has empowered my life more than the shift to becoming aware of my own breath. Beyond the energizing and rejuvenating effects of a […]

Inner-Body Awareness Technique

This is one of my favorite awareness techniques!  The Inner-Body Awareness Technique is an ancient Shiva method and has been used for very long time. But this method is as well one of the main techniques that Eckhart Tolle gives you to return to the present moment. The Inner-Body Awareness Method helps you to become […]

4 -4 Breathing Technique for more Energy – Kundalini Yoga

4-4 Breath Kundalini

4-4 Energizing Breath Benefits of this breathing technique This is a great quick energy booster when you have only a few minutes. It will quickly rejuvenate your body and spirit and  will calm your mind. This  Kundalini Yoga exercise will relax and energize you. It will as well help you when you feel overwhelmed with […]

Balance the 5 elements with this simple 5 Element Breath

5 Element Breath We human beings recognize the physical world around us through our five organs of perception and without them we would not be aware of the physical world. Our five senses of: Hearing, touch, sight, taste, and smell. This fact is self-evident and most people are aware of it. What is not so […]

The Stimulating Breath Technique

Stimulating Breath

The Stimulating Breath (also called the Bellows Breath) The Stimulating Breath is adapted from yogic breathing techniques. Its aim is to raise vital energy and increase alertness. How to do the stimulating breath:  Inhale and exhale rapidly through your nose, keeping your mouth closed but relaxed. Your breaths in and out should be equal in […]

Adem je stress en zenuwen weg met de Ujjayi ademhaling

Wat is de Ujjayi ademhaling? De Ujjayi ademhaling is een super handige ademhalingstechniek om van een zenuwachtig of gestrest gevoel af te komen! De Ujjayi ademhaling is één van de meest bekende yoga ademhalingstechnieken. De Ujjayi ademhaling staat bekend als de “Victorious Breath”(succesademhaling), overwinnaars-ademhaling , versterker-ademhaling of oceaanademhaling.  Dit omdat dat deze techniek vooral erg goed helpt om je […]

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